4 Tips for Keeping Up with Your Dental Hygiene Through the Quarantine

March 17, 2020

woman smiling flossing keeping up with dental hygiene through the quarantine

If you are like pretty much every other family in the United States, you are hunkering down inside your home. Whether you are working from home with no commute time or just waiting for the quarantine to end, you have a lot of extra time on your hands, and you see very few people throughout your day. It can be tempting to put aside your normal routines and take it easy. However, one area you should not neglect is your dental health. In this blog post, you’ll learn how simple keeping up with your dental hygiene through the quarantine really is.

Brush Twice for at Least 2 Minutes

Whether under quarantine or not, you need to be brushing your teeth at least two times every day. When you wake up in the morning, it can be tempting to skip brushing because you have not had anything to eat during the night. However, your mouth produces much less saliva while you sleep, which means that bacteria have had hours of free reign inside your mouth. This could make decay or infection more likely to occur.

Perhaps you already brush your teeth twice a day, which is wonderful, but are you brushing for a full two minutes each time? This ensures that you’ve thoroughly cleaned sticky plaque from the surfaces of your teeth, particularly the deep grooves of your molars and premolars. Bacteria and food particles are particularly prone to accumulate in these areas, potentially causing cavities.

Floss Every Day

Flossing may seem like an insignificant task, but it can dramatically reduce your chances of developing gum disease and tooth decay. Your toothbrush’s bristles cannot reach in between teeth, making it the perfect place for plaque and food debris to hide. Make sure you take just a couple of minutes to clear out these deposits at least once every day to keep your smile strong.

Consider Using Mouthwash

As effective as brushing and flossing can be, microscopic bacteria can still remain on your teeth or inside your mouth. You may want to include mouthwash in your daily hygiene routine. An antibacterial mouthwash with fluoride in it can fortify your tooth enamel while getting rid of harmful bacteria in your mouth, ensuring that every nook and cranny is safe from harm.

Schedule Your Checkup Appointment Now

Although it is difficult to tell when life will return to normal, when it does, there will be a huge rush of patients needing to come in a see your dentist for checkups and cleanings. Try to get on their schedule sooner rather than later so that you get the day and time you would like. However, remember to be flexible and understand that circumstances can change on a daily basis right now. If quarantine lasts longer than expected, be prepared to reschedule your appointment.

Ultimately, no matter how long social distancing and other quarantine guidelines last, you need to do your part to remain healthy, which includes taking care of your oral health. After all, the last thing you want to deal with during this time is infection or tooth pain. By taking these simple steps, you can make sure your smile is still strong when the dust settles.

About the Practice

Pioneer Greens has three dedicated dentists on staff available to offer help for patients in Lincoln. Although the practice is closed for non-essential procedures and services, we are available to help emergency patients. If you have a dental emergency or you would like to reschedule your appointment, feel free to contact Pioneer Greens by calling (402) 483-7502 or clicking here.