July 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — pioneerstaff @ 8:38 pm

Can you believe that summer is almost over? In just a few short weeks, your child will be starting a new school year with new teachers, new classmates, and new challenges. Are they prepared? Obviously, they will need school supplies and a new wardrobe to start on the right foot, but there is something else that you should make sure is ready—your child’s smile. Here are four ways, including working with your dentist in Lincoln, that you can make sure your child has a healthy, confident smile going into this next school year.


July 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — pioneerstaff @ 8:32 pm

In recent years, we’ve become more aware of how important our gut health really is for different bodily functions and systems. The digestive system and immune system can depend on the bacteria that are in the gut. But did you know that your digestive and immune health actually begins in the mouth? They are closely related and can impact each other for better or worse. In this post, learn about this relationship and how you can optimize both.
