When Should I Bring My Child to the Dentist Near Me?

February 22, 2017

February is most often associated with Valentine’s Day, but did you know that it’s actually National Children’s Dental Health Month as well? This month, parents and dentists alike take a little extra time talking about the best ways to take care of Lincoln’s littlest smiles. Of course, two big questions parents often have are, “When should I take my child to the dentist near me for the first time? What should I expect during their first visit?” Today, Dr. Chris and Dr. Claire Haag are going to take a little time to answer both of these questions.  

When Should I Take Them to the Dentist the First Time?

Logic might tell you that you should schedule your child’s first dentist appointment as soon as their first tooth appears, but that may actually be too soon. The American Dental Association recommends that your child should have their first dental appointment 6 months after their first tooth has erupted, or by their first birthdayThis means you don’t need to rush after they get their first tooth. If you bring them in too early, they simply won’t have enough dental structure for your dentist in Lincoln, NE to examine. However, if your child doesn’t have any teeth by the time they turn 1, you should bring them in as well.

What Will Their First Visit Be Like?

Your child’s first visit to Pioneer Greens Dentistry has much less to do with treatment than trying to make them feel comfortable in our office. We actually call it a happy-check, and it’s specifically for patients aged 1-3 who have never been to our practice before. These initial visits are very important to help your child establish a positive connection to going to the dentist, so it’s best to start slow. It will mostly involve your child walking around the office so they can become familiar with it, as well as meeting the doctors and their team. Afterward, you’ll talk with one of the doctors about your child’s medical history and any other observations you’ve made that might be relevant to their dental health.

You’ll also discuss their basic oral hygiene, why it’s important, how their diet affects their teeth, and developmental milestones you should look for. This will help you monitor your child’s growth, as well as get them thinking about taking care of their teeth.

During this visit, one of the doctors will perform a short oral exam and advise you on what to do moving forward. After this first visit, you should bring your child in every 6 months for a standard check-up and cleaning, just like yourself. We’ve found that these visits go much better after the initial happy-check, simply because it won’t be the first time they’ll be seeing the office or meeting their doctor.

Want To Know More?

When it comes to treating your child, it’s all about a gentle touch, and they’ll get that at their first visit and each one after. We want your child to grow-up healthy just like you do, and we’re happy to be a part of that.

If you have any questions about when you should bring your child to the dentist or what to expect, please give us a call today.